ART DIRECTION, UX DESIGN, WEB DESIGN, illustration, branding, character design
The Challenge
Play Matters Therapy is a local Atlanta company that offers occupational therapy to children on the autism spectrum and who have sensory processing disorders.
They needed a brand and website that communicated their capabilities to the parents of these children in a way that was both professional and playful.
The Solution
The concept they chose was one that illustrated the inner worlds of the children they work with, many of whom have a rich inner life that they have difficulty communicating with the outside world. Play Matters understands this, and knows that these inner worlds can be rich, vibrant places.
Several logo concepts were provided initially, but the direction selected was one that literally illustrated this concept.
This concept was then expanded into a series of illustrations to be used on a website, as well as business cards, t-shirts, and a wall-size graphic in the Play Matters offices.